
Writing, editorial publication design
Contributing writer and designer
Project management assistance
Vender contact

Simultaneously minimizing and expanding, the viewfinder provides an overlooked path of sight. Transforming a setting meant to shrink us, we capture details taken out of context. Within this framework, we focus on the small and unfamiliar. This bond lends us to sight.  

Viewfinder is a collaborative publication made to document the experiences of VCU graphic design students while studying abroad in Florence, Italy. Special thanks to Christina Sande and Nicole Killian for their expertise and guidance on this project. 

Contributors: Mario Casado, Erin Crawford, Ivania Del Cid-Orellana, Amber Ekizoglu, Amanda Grate, Jane Han, Natalie Iman, Nhan La, Jaya Matteis, Anya McKee, Fiona McMichael, Michael O'Connell, Emmie Osuyah, Ella Provo, Christina Sande, Maddie Scharf, Kate Sirpis, and Julia Spewak

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Erin Crawford
Graphic design, visual identity, printed matter
Richmond, Va